Australia is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
Are you searching for:
- Better career opportunities
- Higher pay
- Better quality of life
- A safe place to live and raise a family
- Laid back lifestyle
- Work-life balance
- Free world class healthcare and education
- Better weather – warm summers, mild winters
Australians pride themselves on perfecting a work-life balance. With a strong economy and low unemployment, Australia is a good place to secure a high paying job. The average Australian income is AUD $80,000 per year.
Australia has the highest minimum wages in the world and ranks at the top of the list for the highest wage rates in the world.
Australians have a reputation for being laid back and friendly and what’s more it is actually true. People are much more likely to give you the time of day in Australian cities compared with other cities around the world.

One of the major reasons people migrate to Australia is the quality of life. Australia consistently ranks among the top 10 in the United Nation’s Human Development Index, placing second in 2016 only to Norway. It is way ahead of other leading developed nations such as Germany, Singapore, Canada, the U.K., Japan, and France.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) regarded it as the best country in the world to live in. It also has one of the lowest air pollution levels in the world.

Australia’s healthcare system is considered one of the best in the world as it covers all doctor visits, medications, hospitalisation and medical payments in public hospitals. This is particularly beneficial for couples with children.

Australia undoubtedly offers high-quality education, landing in the 8th place in global rankings. The country has more than 1,200 institutions and 22,000 courses to choose from. Primary and secondary education are compulsory and provided free in government-run schools.
Higher learning institutions such as the Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland, Monash University, and University of Western Australia are considered among the top 100 in the world.

Crime rate in Australia is exceedingly low compared to other countries. The community-minded nature of Australians makes it a safe place to live in and raise a family.
As a UNHCR signatory Australia welcomes scores of refugees who are fleeing war or persecution in their homeland.
Australia is made up of people from various backgrounds and cultures, with 43% of all Australians being born overseas or having a parent who was born overseas. Unlike other countries, there is no class system in Australia. People are generally friendly and welcoming, and have a sense of community.
Australia’s robust economy guarantees plenty of opportunities for everyone, from anywhere. Australia’s diversity is celebrated on Harmony Day (21 March) every year, which also coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Australia is well-known for its warm summers and mild winters. Its weather is magnificent all year round, with the sun shining for over 300 days every year.

With its pristine beaches, lush rainforests, red dirt deserts, and snow-capped mountains, you’ll never run out of sceneries to enjoy. There are more than 500 national parks and 14 world heritage sites throughout Australia, all of them great places to explore by yourself or with your loved ones.

Sports fanatics will love the sight of Australia’s stadiums, racetracks, and sports arenas. There is a wide range of sports played Down Under, the most popular of them being rugby, cricket, football (soccer), netball (volleyball), and basketball. Nearly each town has its own bowling greens; golf, tennis, and netball courts; and athletics clubs. Beaches serve as second home to countless surfers and water sports enthusiasts, and Australian reefs are considered among the world’s best spots for diving and snorkelling.